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Tandem Paragliding in Tenerife: Relax your Soul

Fly high !!

· Travel,adventure travel,outdoor sports,paragliding
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Paragliding - It opens your mind, frees your soul and satisfies your thirst to fly high. Now you might wonder about the best places for paragliding? Tenerife in Spain is the ultimate spot to witness the most spectacular mountain and ocean views amidst the clouds. Tandem paragliding in Tenerife fulfills your dream of remaining high up in the sky and view natural wonders .


Perks of Paragliding in Tenerife


Paragliding is an experience that makes you realize “you only live once in a lifetime”. Besides being an exciting activity that lets you touch the sky, it also has multiple health benefits- both physical and mental. Let’s discover some perks of paragliding.


  • Stress Buster and Adrenaline rush

While paragliding, one’s focus is stuck on the present. All your stress, distractions, and worries diminish away in the clouds. The extreme adrenaline rush mixed with an intense focus makes you feel cleansed both mentally and physically.

Being on top of the world, flying through the sky and extreme adrenaline rush sounds like a perfect adventure! Paragliding takes you to the whole new level of excitement and a surge of energy while floating in the sky.


  • Witness Breathtaking sights

When you are thousands of feet up in the air and taking in nothing but the beauty of the world, all you feel is the silence and freedom in that . Your perspective about the world transforms into something more positive and upbeat and the feeling of conquer your fear will also rise.The high peak mountains, crystal blue oceans, amazing volcanic landscapes offer you a panorama full of contrasts.


Tandem Paragliding Hacks For Faster Flying


One of the biggest advantages of tandem paragliding is that you will find peace and harmony in the laps of nature. However, there are some days when just flying fast isn’t enough — you want to go even faster and cross the unseen stretches and want to do some adventure. Here are some paragliding tips for faster flying to make the most out of wind conditions.


  • Increase Speed Slowly

It may sound contradictory, but probably the best way to attain high is to take up your speed bar progressively, monitor your pitch and wait until the speed of your body matches the wing speed before increasing it.


  • Avoid Sharp Turns

Sharp steering feeds your sink rate of body. Avoid tight turns and abrupt shifts to keep your wings in a uniform condition.


  • Attack Headwinds

Getting caught in a headwind can drop your speed rate and you will start moving backward direction. The best option is to just hit the speed bar button whenever going into the wind to ensure maximum forward speed movement.